Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Episode Thirty | So Long, My Friends

And that's a wrap.

After nearly a year producing this podcast together, Kate & I say our final goodbyes. We talk about how our views on feminism and women in Mormonism have changed since we started, and where we stand in our thoughts on the Gospel and on God. (Spoiler alert: we like them both very much.)

To all of our listeners, however few of you there might be, thank you for tuning in. It means the world to us that we have had supporters of this project since the very beginning. You're the reason we do this, and it makes us really happy to know that what we've said has resonated with those of you who listen. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And before we go, we do have an announcement to make.

"Feminism and Funeral Potatoes" is not, in fact, ending. Brooke, Kate's younger sister, will be joining me in the studio starting in January as we finish The Bishop's Wife and continue to chat all things lady-related. So come back after Christmas; we're excited to see you all!

- m

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Episode Twenty Eight | We're Making Toast

If you want to know what the hell we're talking about, you should press that little "play" button. Near death experiences, making bread, and bodies in the garden are all featured on this episode! (Plus the whores of Babylon, brought to you by yours truly.)

Episode Twenty Seven | The One Where We're Detectives*

Call us Agatha Christie's, because we're solvin' murders like no one else. (Or at least trying to.)

Due to poor technical skills on Madie's part, half of this episode is missing. To get a quick recap about what happened in the later chapters that are missing here, head to the beginning of Episode Twenty Eight. We're sorry. - m & k

Episode Twenty Six | We're Late. . . And We're Totally Okay With It

Late update, but we've finally arrived.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Episode Twenty Five | Unrighteous Dominion--We're Having None of It

Episode Twenty Five covers current Mormon standings on sealings and unrighteous  dominion in marriage relationships. Turns out, we're not a huge fan of the latter.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Episode Twenty Four | We're So Tired (Of the Patriarchy)

Short episode for a short chapter, but lots of good things to talk to about (including women & the priesthood & birth control). Let us know what you think!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Episode Twenty Three | Chest Hair & Chastity

In this episode, we discuss chapter two of The Bishop's Wife. We have lengthy discussions on whether serving a mission is necessary for marriage, the Mormon wedding culture, and the difficult relationships Kate & I have with our mothers. (Or at least, the relationships we used to have. We love you ladies.)

Also, reference links to the talk "Sexuality and Singledom" by Dr. Jennifer Fife can be found here.

Elder Holland's Mark Twain address can be accessed here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Episode Twenty Two | The Third Deathly Hallow (a.k.a. invisibility)

This week we review the first chapter of The Bishop's Wife. We've got discussion about callings, the priesthood, and the changing role of women in the church. And we're pretty excited--this book looks a whole lot better than the last!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Episode Twenty One | Teaser

AND WE'RE BACK. After a hiatus much longer than we anticipated, we've brought back Feminism and Funeral Potatoes. We introduce our new book, The Bishop's Wife, and recap General Conference. Put those headphones in and take a listen--we've returned in all our glory and are excited to have our listeners chillin' with us once again.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Episode Twenty | And That's a Wrap (For Now)

The fateful day has finally arrived--we've reached the end of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress. To our faithful listeners, we salute you. We're taking a weeklong break to brainstorm our next phase of the show, but stay tuned for more feminism fun coming your way!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Episode Nineteen | Fan Girl

With only two chapters left to go after this episode, we're ending where we started--fan fiction. We also chat about pet names (disclaimer: we like them, sometimes), marriage equality, & DTRs.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Episode Eighteen | The One Where We're Gobsmacked

We're utterly flabbergasted at these next few chapters--totally gobsmacked! We didn't think it could get any worse. But, as per usual, we were most definitely surprised.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Episode Seventeen | The One With the Mustache

Conor Hilton guest stars and we talk about lots of things--chastity, how terrible dialogue in Skeleton is, and the male perspective on dating & marriage.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Episode Sixteen | Origin Stories

Listeners get a special insight into why we became feminists. Also, in-depth discussions about chastity, missions, and marriage--and why all are being taught in ways that make us sad.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Episode Fifteen | The Pill & the Patriarchy

Birth control, wedding dresses, and owning another human being: all real topics on today's podcast. Enjoy, kids.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Episode Fourteen | We Take It Back

We take it back. This episode features the review of only one chapter because The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress just got worse. We talk about wearing white shirts to church, why temple marriage doesn't always guarantee success, and how much we'd love a well-rounded, non-cliche character. Two girls can dream.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Episode Thirteen | Spoiler Alert: It Wasn't Awful

Turns out Sally Johnson has some talent after all! We were quite pleased with lots of elements in the three chapters we review today. Also included are discussions on postpartum depression, the "ideal Mormon mom" and how feminism plays a role in "The Family: A Proclamation to the World."

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Episode Twelve | The One Where Brooke Keeps Us In Check

Today we welcome Brooke to the studio as we discuss chapters 18 thru 20 of "The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress." Three people in the studio is always a party, and we're glad you're here to join in.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Episode Eleven | The One Where We Get Weepy

Episode Eleven is filled with lots of tangents and a lively discussion about feminism in the Mormon community. A few tears may have been shed. Maybe. (Also chapters 15 & 16 of "The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress")

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Episode Ten | "All Apologies," by Nirvana (& Madie & Kate)

Episode Ten is probably our best yet! (At least according to Madie.) We talk about our first hate comment, another great comment we got, and our purpose for the show. We also dive into Chapter 15, which we have lots to say about. Stay tuned for the next episode, when we find out how Sophia's plans to change actually crash and burn.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Dear Miss Anna

A listener recently left a comment on our first episode, which gave us a few things to think about. We've decided to post her comment as well as our reply here for those who are interested to read. We like to hear feedback, and are interested in the opinions of other listeners out there on some of the topics this listener addresses. Email us at or comment on this posting and we'll chat when we upload our next episode (which should be tomorrow!).

Her Comment

I just recently found your podcasts and the name intrigued me so I decided to listen. I started with your first one and was excited since I've actually read the book you were discussing. Only a few minutes in though I had to stop. It wasn't intelligent book club type discussion but just plain mean commentary. As I clicked through a few more podcasts I couldn't believe that you had already dedicated 7 whole hours to so much hate, anger, judgment, cruelty, and destruction of someone else's art. I was so angry and hurt for the author but didn't want to do to you girls what you had done to her, so I closed your blog. But then today I watched this Ted talk about public humiliation and shaming and didn't want to stay silent. I would encourage you girls to watch it as well.

Our Reply

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment; we’re glad to see that more than just those within our immediate circle of friends are listening to our podcast. We’d like to take this opportunity to address some of the issues you mentioned in your statement.

Your first critique of the show is its lack of an “intelligent book club type discussion.” While critiquing the literature itself was one our objectives, it was not one of our main goals. Rather, we are using Johnson’s novel as a way to launch ourselves into a discussion about Mormon culture and stereotypes we feel are propelled by her work. However, we also talk about the literature—about her writing style, about character development, about plot points and their use for the story as a whole—which are all things that we feel should be included in a book club discussion. In this case, we feel our podcast is in fact, a book club discussion—just not one that fit your expectations. (You should also know that we discuss the positive as well as the negative—see the end of Episode Nine).

You also mentioned that you clicked through a few more podcasts and “couldn’t believe that [we] had already dedicated 7 whole hours to so much hate, anger, judgment, and cruelty, and destruction of someone else’s art.” We’re saddened that you did not do more than “click through” a few of our episodes rather than listening fully to what we had to say before you yourself passed judgment. If you had given yourself the chance to listen to our podcast in full, you would have heard us talk about a few things. We’ve listed them here, along with the episode so you can hear us first hand:
·      Our purpose for creating this podcast. (Episode Four)
·      Creative writing is difficult. (Episode Eight)
·      We will not talk about Johnson herself—only her novel. (Episode Nine)

What you failed to realize was that we are critiquing Johnson’s art—not Johnson herself. We believe, as literary critics, that critiquing art does not necessarily inflict judgment upon the author itself. This was never our intention. Oscar Wilde said it best in his essay, “The Critic as Artist.” The essay details the conversation of two men, during which one asks the other, “What is the use of. . . criticism? Why cannot the artist be left alone, to create a new world if he wishes it. . . Why should the artist be troubled by the shrill clamor of criticism? Why should those who cannot create take upon themselves to estimate the value of creative work? What can they know about it?”

The reply to this question comes in several forms, among them “Without the critical faculty, there is no artistic creation.” But perhaps it is best expressed in these lines:

"There has never been a creative age that has not been critical also. For it is the critical faculty that invents fresh forms. The tendency of creation is to repeat itself. It is to the critical instinct that we owe each new school that springs up, each new mold that art finds ready to its hand.”

Criticism is necessary for art to flourish. Johnson, like other authors (Wilde himself included), offered a chance for commentary, both positive and negative, by publishing her work. This is the plight of all artists, whether through a brush or a keyboard. We realize that creating art is difficult. We ourselves are writers, creators, artists. We too gave people a chance to comment on our work, a freedom which you have just exercised. Our form of criticism is not meant to attack the author personally (this is called an ad hominum argument), but the art itself.

This brings us to the TED talk you shared with us. The speech by Monica Lewinsky did not deal with the criticism of art, which is the kind of criticism we engage in during our show. She speaks about personal attacks—ad hominum arguments—and the damage they cause. We do not dispute the claims she makes about how devastating those terrible, individualized messages can be. But we also feel no responsibility in this manner for what we have said. We have not messaged Johnson personally to tell her we dislike her book. We have not said anything unwarranted or unkind about her as a person, merely as an author. And while we own our opinions and state at the beginning of every episode that they do not reflect those of the Church or those of BYU, they are our opinions. We accept responsibility for them, but we also feel they have a right to be said.

Hopefully you can see, at least in part, that this was our goal in starting the program. Thank you again for taking the time to listen to a part of our show.
Kate & Madie

Episode Nine | Return of the Jedi (& Kate & Madie)

We're back! After an extended hiatus, we've returned to the podcast world. Here's Episode Nine for you kids. A little lengthy, but lots to talk about!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Episode Eight | The One Where We Talk About Twilight

In an effort to be unbiased, or at least present such an option to our listeners, we've decided to give you guys the option to buy Sally Johnson's book, The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress, which you can buy from Amazon here. You should know we're not making any money off of this, nor is Sally aware of what we're doing (whether that's a good or bad thing we've yet to determine).

We recently remembered we had a Twitter, which you can follow here. Live tweet an episode with the hashtag #ffppodcast and we'll give you a shout out (like, if you want that sort of thing).

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Episode Seven | Potter Eats Potatoes

Episode Seven brings you lots of tales and tangents, as well as some golden nuggets of wisdom. Lots of Harry Potter in this episode too, so you're in for a treat.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Episode Six | Feminism Throwdown

Episode Six is here, guys! Feminism to the max in this one, so prepare yourselves for a wild ride.

| Kate & Madie |

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Episode Five | Ashley Eats Potatoes

Episode Five of "Feminism and Funeral Potatoes" brings you a review of the first part of Chapter Six of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress. We also have a special guest star, because we're popular and people think we're funny.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Episode Four | Singing for Skeletons

Episode Four brings you a review of chapters four and five of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress. Lots of chat about Phineas and Ferb, the Word of Wisdom, and the trope of the Hot Clutz as a modern day literary heroine. Also, Madie sings in this episode, and Kaitlyn makes big promises for next week. Enjoy, snitches.

| Kate & Madie |

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Episode Three | Star Wars & Soda

You lucky ducks--two episodes in one day! That's almost two and a half hours of FFP awesomeness. And this one's a doozy; we've got lengthy discussions on Star Wars (our takes on Ewoks, lightsaber etiquette, and the original versus prequel trilogy), cheese versus chocolate, and the Diet Coke phenomenon. Spoiler alert: we're all for caffeine. 

If you want to follow us on Twitter, head here. Feel free to live Tweet this episode (or any of our other episodes!). We'll give you a shoutout of your choice (Instagram handle, phone number, etc.) if we like what you have to say. Or even if we don't. Please, just listen to us, okay? Okay.

We should be on iTunes soon. If anyone knows how to do it, please let us know. Madie is basically dying trying to understand RSS feeds while simultaneously reading Virginia Woolf novels for her British Modernism class. Seriously. D Y I N G.

Episode Two | Have You Seen the Ward Directory?

Sorry for the blank spot at the end. We're struggling.

We're back, snitches. Sorry for the long break (among other things, we had papers, the stomach flu, and technical difficulties), but we have returned. Here's a review of the second chapter of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress, complete with a discussion about temple covenants, the stigma of The Ward Directory, and which Old Testament prophets would teach which college courses. It's a riot, and we're glad you're back.

If you want to follow us on Twitter, head here. Feel free to live Tweet this episode. We'll give you a shoutout of your choice (Instagram handle, phone number, etc.) if we like what you have to say. Or even if we don't. We're desperate for listeners. (We love you, Tessa and Ashley.)

We should be on iTunes soon. Check back to see when we're playing in the big leagues. On the bright side, we have intro and exit music this time. NPR should be calling us soon.

| Kate & Madie | 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Episode One | Friendship & Fanfiction

The episode begins at 2:20. Figuring out advanced recording equipment in fifteen minutes is pretty darn hard.

Episode One, which involves a lengthy introduction (in which we discuss Supernatural, Young Women values, and Doctor Who fan fiction) and a review of the first chapter of The Skeleton in My Closet Wears a Wedding Dress.

 | Kate & Madie |