Lengthy comment ahead (although the length of the podcast sort of justifies it, I think):
First, welcome back! The title is top-notch--all about them Star Wars references.
Second, here's the John Oliver segment on the Gender Pay Gap, just for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsB1e-1BB4Y Definitely worth a watch.
Third, on the priesthood commentary. Tbh, I think the language we use around the priesthood is imprecise and produces all sorts of complications (although this isn't really the place for that). But to provide a decently straight-forward answer to your question about 'priesthood keys', I'm pretty sure women never hold priesthood keys. They do exercise priesthood authority when set-apart to do so. As far as I remember (from a mission zone conference, itself a potentially faulty source of info, also between 3 and 5 years ago- yikes), the only people that hold priesthood keys are quorum presidents, temple presidents, mission presidents, some GAs, and Apostles. (Some recent-ish thoughts here: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/the-keys-and-authority-of-the-priesthood?lang=eng)
Fourth, my mother is also my feminist idol, who refuses to identify as a feminist. Probably partially to do with the Church and the ERA and feminists, intellectuals, and homosexuals being labeled the three great enemies of the Church...
Fifth, fwiw, my mission president did not give me a deadline for marriage or dating (maybe because he knew I would've just raised my eyebrows and been like, "serious, dude?"). My first mission president always asks if marriage is my number one priority whenever I see him, which is a fair question and open enough for interpretation and individual lifestyles that I can answer honestly--usually--and not have a lecture come my way.
Sixth, while I rag on Mormon culture as much as (or more than) the next guy, I think we sometimes start to think of culture and doctrine as totally separate, distinct entities, which is dangerous. We definitely need to draw lines between culture and doctrine, but also, must understand that culture is a result of doctrine (or if not pure doctrine, than the way doctrine is taught and understood). I blogged about this awhile ago (here, if you want to read more of my ramblings: https://conorhilton.wordpress.com/2014/10/12/the-necessity-of-mormon-culture/), so I'll just leave that as is, for now.
Seventh (not Day Adventists), I definitely think we need more people identifying as feminists. We've got to normalize it. Like the 'I'm a Mormon" campaign. It's crazy hard to discuss feminism when half the people you're chatting with think you're some man-hating, bra-burning, lesbian (which if you are, whatever. Just remember #NotAllMen ;) ). It just shuts down discussion before it gets started. No good.
Well, there's that. Keep it up and I'll keep listening.
Lengthy comment ahead (although the length of the podcast sort of justifies it, I think):
ReplyDeleteFirst, welcome back! The title is top-notch--all about them Star Wars references.
Second, here's the John Oliver segment on the Gender Pay Gap, just for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsB1e-1BB4Y Definitely worth a watch.
Third, on the priesthood commentary. Tbh, I think the language we use around the priesthood is imprecise and produces all sorts of complications (although this isn't really the place for that). But to provide a decently straight-forward answer to your question about 'priesthood keys', I'm pretty sure women never hold priesthood keys. They do exercise priesthood authority when set-apart to do so. As far as I remember (from a mission zone conference, itself a potentially faulty source of info, also between 3 and 5 years ago- yikes), the only people that hold priesthood keys are quorum presidents, temple presidents, mission presidents, some GAs, and Apostles. (Some recent-ish thoughts here: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2014/04/the-keys-and-authority-of-the-priesthood?lang=eng)
Fourth, my mother is also my feminist idol, who refuses to identify as a feminist. Probably partially to do with the Church and the ERA and feminists, intellectuals, and homosexuals being labeled the three great enemies of the Church...
Fifth, fwiw, my mission president did not give me a deadline for marriage or dating (maybe because he knew I would've just raised my eyebrows and been like, "serious, dude?"). My first mission president always asks if marriage is my number one priority whenever I see him, which is a fair question and open enough for interpretation and individual lifestyles that I can answer honestly--usually--and not have a lecture come my way.
Sixth, while I rag on Mormon culture as much as (or more than) the next guy, I think we sometimes start to think of culture and doctrine as totally separate, distinct entities, which is dangerous. We definitely need to draw lines between culture and doctrine, but also, must understand that culture is a result of doctrine (or if not pure doctrine, than the way doctrine is taught and understood). I blogged about this awhile ago (here, if you want to read more of my ramblings: https://conorhilton.wordpress.com/2014/10/12/the-necessity-of-mormon-culture/), so I'll just leave that as is, for now.
Seventh (not Day Adventists), I definitely think we need more people identifying as feminists. We've got to normalize it. Like the 'I'm a Mormon" campaign. It's crazy hard to discuss feminism when half the people you're chatting with think you're some man-hating, bra-burning, lesbian (which if you are, whatever. Just remember #NotAllMen ;) ). It just shuts down discussion before it gets started. No good.
Well, there's that. Keep it up and I'll keep listening.
I AM SO HAPPY YOU GUYS ARE BACK. That's all really. Keep on, keepin' on... (Kate you can correct my grammar in your head.)